This weekend is the opening of my MudHoney empire! wahaha. To celebrate, some of the shops will be having a sidewalk sale, along with myself! I'll be putting out probably 5 things marked down to a ridiculously low price, and I'll have some new free stuff for you guys, so don't miss out! It'll only be available Saturday and Sunday!
Don't forget to wander around to the other stores, some of them will have things out for you as well!
Pretty soon, we'll have fishing set up, so you can hang out and fish, and win some awesome prizes for fishing. I'll send you guys a notice once it's set up!
And, one more thing! I think. I'm in Weekend Fever! It runs Saturday and Sunday, and I'll have an item out for 50L for you guys! :)
I *think* that's all I needed to tell you guys! haha. Oh! one more thing. We'll be having a partay on Saturday for celebrating . My hubby, Dilly Dawes will take over the stream, and we'll have a get together on the dock. I'm thinking 6-8pm slt Saturday, it's not set in stone yet though.
Ok... new Christmas stuff, opening event this weekend, weekend fever, and party... I think that's everything!